represents the hands of the members of the CIO that serve the citizens earnestly,
pursuing independent and fair investigations
to eradicate corruption in the public sector.

‘ㄱ’, standing for the Korean Public and the CIO It symbolizes ‘the CIO working for the citizens’,
by using the initial consonant 'ㄱ', which is a letter found in both ‘CIO’
and ‘citizens’. It also likens the CIO to a tree deeply rooted in the aspiration of the citizens.
‘ㄱ’, standing for fairness It visualizes the CIO’s sense of purpose
to expand its mission to champion justice, human rights, and integrity
with ‘impartial’ and ‘balanced’ investigations.
#014099 represents justice and integrity,
the core values embraced by the CIO.
#00a0e9 signifies that the CIO is an investigative agency
with a focus on the citizens and their human rights.