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CIO and the UK’sK CPS Agree on PartnershipEstablish Collaborative Partnership - Chief Prosecutor Kim Jin Wook Also‘s Visits to the IACCC -
  • Date : 2022.09.26
  • Hit : 710
Kim Jin Wook, Chief Prosecutor of Korea’s Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO), visited the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre (IACCC), under the National Crime Agency (NCA), on the afternoon of June 23 (local time) to discuss countermeasures against corruption offenses and mutual cooperation plans with the agencies.

   During his time at the CPS, Kim was briefed by Antony Salmon, Head of the CPS International Division, on the primary function and role of the CPS within the United Kingdom’s criminal justice system where investigation and prosecution are separated, cooperation between the CPS and the police at various stages of investigation and prosecution. The conversation also encompassed the achievements of the CPS in the realm  of prosecution and prosecutorial conduct. Moreover, they explored their mutual interests in the history of each country’s criminal justice system, alongside strategies for strengthening exchange and cooperation.

□ Earlier in the morning, Kim visited the NCA building and engaged with IACCC officials who are on seconded to the UK NCA, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Australian Federal Police (AFP). Kim was provided with real world examples in which investigative agencies from different countries, all coordinated by the IACCC, have successfully shared information to combat corruption offenses. There was also an exchange of views on effective strategies for collaborating in the fight against corruption crimes.
“Effective sharing of crime-related information is crucial when addressing global corruption offenses. The CIO will continue to enhance its capabilities and accumulate experience to actively collaborate with international investigative agencies in the global fight against corruption.,” Kim said.

   Kim is set to return to Korea on June 25, concluding a five-day official visit to the United Kingdom.